Monday, October 25, 2010

Can you see the light?

Getting your car from one place to another is tricky at the best of times, but even more so at night. It’s essential to have a fully operational set of headlights that light the way and expose even the smallest holes in the road. You can’t drive a car without seeing where you’re going, but which headlights are the best?

Headlights have come a long way since the oil and gas powered versions seen in the late 1920s. Nowadays there are different colours, grades, sizes and even different levels of brightness. Halogen lights and Xenon lights are top of the line, and produce a beam so strong it can almost see through walls. The quality and brightness of headlights is measured in candelas.

While having a decent set of lights enables you to see where you’re going, it’s also essential for others to see you. There are many stories of motorists driving with no lights on and causing accidents, and also of cars with only 1 functional headlight which makes other drivers think it’s a bike or scooter. Basically it all boils down to ensuring everything is working perfectly, as anything less can be disastrous.

It’s true that the best lights are found on expensive cars, just like all the other great kit. If you value safety, it’s probably best that you look at one of the top models. However you don’t have to spend a fortune, as second hand cars allow you to get more bang for your buck. Websites like Carsource and Teletextcars list thousands of cars, so you’re bound to see the light somewhere!

The bottom line is any headlight is better than no headlight. You are responsible for keeping them working, to ensure your safety and that of other people on the road. You don’t have to pay thousands for a car with a good set of lights, buying second hand can save you a lot of money which you can then spend on upgrades if the car isn’t top quality already!